뭔 책에서 누군가가 HDI가 높으면 높을수록 "사람이 사람답게 살기에 좋은 나라"라고 하길래, 2006년 자료를 찾아봤더니(위키백과에서 퍼옴 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index),


Top thirty countries (HDI range from 0.965 down to 0.885)


  1. Flag of Norway Norway 0.965 ()
  2. Flag of Iceland Iceland 0.960 ()
  3. Flag of Australia Australia 0.957 ()
  4. Flag of Ireland Ireland 0.956 ( 4)
  5. Flag of Sweden Sweden 0.951 ( 1)
  6. Flag of Canada Canada 0.950 ( 1)
  7. Flag of Japan Japan 0.949 ( 4)
  8. Flag of the United States United States 0.948 ( 2)
  9. Flag of Switzerland Switzerland 0.947 ( 2)
  10. Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands 0.947 ( 2)
  1. Flag of Finland Finland 0.947 ( 2)
  2. Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 0.945 ( 8)
  3. Flag of Belgium Belgium 0.945 ( 4)
  4. Flag of Austria Austria 0.944 ( 3)
  5. Flag of Denmark Denmark 0.943 ( 1)
  6. Flag of France France 0.942 ()
  7. Flag of Italy Italy 0.940 ( 1)
  8. Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom 0.940 ( 3)
  9. Flag of Spain Spain 0.938 ( 2)
  10. Flag of New Zealand New Zealand 0.936 ( 1)
  1. Flag of Germany Germany 0.932 ( 1)
  2. Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong 0.927 ()
  3. Flag of Israel Israel 0.927 ()
  4. Flag of Greece Greece 0.921 ()
  5. Flag of Singapore Singapore 0.916 ()
  6. Flag of South Korea South Korea 0.912 ( 2)
  7. Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 0.910 ( 1)
  8. Flag of Portugal Portugal 0.904 ( 1)
  9. Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 0.903 ()
  10. Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic 0.885 ( 1)
최근 6년간은 노르웨이가 부동의 1위 자리를 지키고 있다. 울나라는? 26위. 내가 한 번쯤 잠시 머물러볼까 생각하고 있는 프랑스와 이태리는 나란히 16, 17위.

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