멕시코 렌트카

멕시코에서 렌트카를 빌려 어떻게 돌지에 관해서는 아직 확실히 정해진 것은 없다. 

막연히 칸쿤-뚤룸(1)-체투말(1)-크룩드 트리(1)-바칼라(1)-메리다(1)-치첸이사(1)-칸쿤 정도?


11월 19일 오후 16시 07분 과테말라시티 출발, 2시간 38분 비행후 18시 45분 칸쿤 도착, 이후 "코트야드 칸쿤 에어포트" 호텔에 투숙하는 것과

11월 27일 오후 12시 16분 칸쿤 출발, 1시간 20분 비행후 13시 30분 아바나 도착하는 것까지는 일정이 정해진 상태이므로, 그 사이 기간인

11월 20일 오전 10시 30분 멕시코 칸쿤 코트야드 칸쿤 에어포트 호텔에서 오토미션의 가장 저렴한 차량을 픽업하여

11월 27일 오전 10시 멕시코 칸쿤 공항에 반납하는 여정으로 렌트를 시도(만 7일간 멕시코-벨리즈-멕시코).

이전(http://blog.daum.net/worldtravel/13690362)에 밝혔듯 칸쿤에서의 렌트는 알면 알수록 짜증이 나지만(어쩐지 쿠바와 비슷 ㅋㅋㅋ)

어쩔 수 없는 노릇 아닌가. 이래저래 당할 각오하고 빌리는 수 밖에.


업체 이름은 다르지만 실상은 같은(?), 그래서 폭스바겐 골프 동급 견적마저 대부분 341불로 같은 가운데

1. 일명 수퍼커버 보험까지 견적에 포함되고(업체측 표현으로는 full coverage with 0% deductible fee / EPC)

2. 아래와 같이 벨리즈 다녀오는 것도 가능하면서 

Crossing to Belize

America Car Rental provides all the necessary documents so you can drive the vehicle in Belize without any charge, the client needs to ask for the document when the leasing contract is made and it will be provided at the same time.

Insurance included in the rental are only valid in Mexico, the client must acquire an insurance that the government of Belize asks for, this insurance must be acquired at the border to be able to drive without any problems.

3. 297불의 견적을 내어준

"아메리카 카 렌탈"로 그냥(머리가 아파와서 에라 모르겠다 모드) 결정. 아 몰라 바가지 그냥 써 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

참고로 아메리카 카 렌탈을 치면 두 업체가 잡히는데 내가 예약한 곳은 

https://www.americacarrental.com/ 여기 아니고

http://www.america-carrental.com/ 여기다 ㅎㅎㅎ

@ 픽업 날짜 : 11월 20일 오전 10시 30분 코트야드 칸쿤 에어포트 호텔 - 호텔에서 픽업해도 무료임을 컨펌 받음

@ 리턴 날짜 : 11월 27일 오전 10시 (만 7일 사용) 칸쿤 공항 (아마도 공항 근처 오피스에 반납하고 셔틀 타고 가게 될지도)

@ 차량 정보 : 이코노미에 해당하는 VW Golf 동급, 오토매틱, FULL CDW 

@ 보증금 : 600불 (신용카드로 해당 금액 홀드)

@ 벨리즈 국경 통과에 필요한 서류 받아야 - 컨펌

@ 예상 견적 : TGI 보험 가입 거절+아무 문제를 겪지 않는다면 297불/7일

(공항에 업체가 입점해 있는 것도 아닌데 내역에 왜 공항세가 들어가는지 모르겠지만 하여간 공항세 포함이라고 한다 ㅋㅋㅋ) 

Cancun Airport - Bodegas Caribox
Calle Acceso a las bodegas SM 301 Mza 30 Lte 30 Bodega F-1
Cancún Quintana Roo, Mexico 77500
Tel/Fax: +52 (998) 253-61-00
MR. ,
Reservation Details:
Reservation SourceAmerica Car Rental Website
Reservation Date2015-08-27 08:05:51
Reservation Code
Pickup LocationCancun Airport
Pickup Date2015-11-20 @ 10:30 hrs
Drop OffCancun Airport
Drop Off Date2015-11-27 @ 10:00 hrs
Vehicle PreferenceVw Gol 5 Pax or similar 
Economy - Automatic
First NameMr. 
Last NameKim
Phone Number
Mobile Number
HotelCourtyard Marriott Cancun Airport
StateSouth Korea
CountrySouth Korea
CommentsPick up at 10:30 hrs Hotel courtyard marriott
1 Week @ $270.00$ 270.00 USD
International Permits from México to Belize$ 0.00 USD
(10%) Airport Taxes$ 27.00 USD
Total$ 297.00 USD
Extras included on this rent
International Permits from México to Belize
(10%) Airport Taxes
Insurances included on this rent
Zero deductible, extended protection coverage (EPC)
Seguro por robo de vehículo (TP)
Collision, Fire and Theft Damage (CDW)
Primary Third Person/Property Liability (PLI)
Medical expenses insurance (PAI)

참고 : 최근 아메리카 카 렌탈 업체 이용 후기

9. Re: Cancun car rental

Rented a car in Cancun on Jan 31, 2015 for 12 days. Shopping for it was stressful , as everything we read about car rentals and driving in the area was bad bad bad. Ended up going with America Car Rental (referred from the guy we were renting a condo from), they include full insurance in their prices, which was great. They didn't have the car that was advertised on the website (of course), which should have been a brand new VW Gol, instead they gave us a year old Chevy Aveo. Didn't matter, we weren't looking for a new car, simply for an automatic. The rental process was slow, and they fed us to a timeshare guy before we could get out of there. The car only came with a half tank of gas, but that's all we had to return it with as well. It was not particularly clean or particularly dirty, but it did smell like an entire bottle of cologne! We drove this car all over the place. We returned it with half tank of gas, and dirty inside and out. They looked it over, said everything is great, and we were off to the airport on their shuttle. For how much stress was involved in the shopping for and renting of this car, I would say it turned out pretty well. We did, however, get ripped off at the Pemex. I guess this is very common. A word of advice, never fill up, buy a certain amount each time and show the bill to the attendant when you order the gas. After the rip off at the first station, we did fine buying 200-400 pesos worth of gas at each stop there. You have to watch like a hawk, but if you do, it seems to go okay

10. Re: Cancun car rental

I too rented from America Car Rental last year and thought their service was great. The check in process was a little slow and the car was definitely on empty. I had already been told to make sure that you told the gas stations in Spanish exactly how many pesos worth of gas that you wanted. I had an Aveo as well and drove it all over the place. It was filled with sand, jungle greens from getting in and out of the car, drove it to Punta Allen, over to Coba, over to the Monkey Sanctuary - in fact I probably put 400 miles on the car and never had a bit of problem. It was easy dropping it back to get to the airport. I am renting from them this year as well and see that now all of the insurance is included. Last year I had to specifically tell them I wanted everything including tires and glass coverage.


Driving in Mexico 101

#1 Research la mordida, know what it is, and how not to become a participant. There are entire web sites devoted to this one topic alone. Print this copy of Articulo 152 (Article 152), and have it with you in the car. I keep mine on the dash. Gringo version: …photobucket.com/albums/d189/bellasogno/Mexi… For the policia version:…photobucket.com/albums/…CIMG3826.jpg

#2. Secure full insurance through rental agency. Take photos of the vehicle, and point out any dings/damage to the rental agent before you sign off for the vehicle, ensuring they’re marked on their vehicle diagram. Don’t forget your copy of this.

#3. Check the spare tire to ensure its inflated, and that the jack & tire iron are included.

#4. Check the tires carefully, esp. the fronts. Gringos hitting the topes too fast are common, causing pinch damage to the sidewalls. Look for embedded nails, etc. Be prepared to refuse the vehicle, obviously. Advise renting from an agency that delivers and picks up the vehicle from you vs. you picking up at their location.

#5. Buckle your seat belt

#6. Obey ALL traffic laws.

#7. Do not keep up with traffic, since the vast majority are speeding. *Here's where most people fail*

#8. Do not think you can blend in with local traffic, your rental car is a marked target and is easily spotted by policia. Quiz: Do you know what this obvious mark is? See, time to do some homework.

#9. Move all of your money to a money belt. Keep little/none in your wallet. This goes for your passengers also.

#10. Have a spotter with good eyesight in the front passenger seat helping you spot the ever changing speed limit signs. Obey all of them. Watching for topes is secondary to spotting speed limits.

#11. Stay in the right lane at all times. You will be passed on your left like you're standing still. Pay no attention to them - they're locals. They're also gringos that haven't a clue, and you may see a few later up the road pulled over by the policia.

#12. If you followed # 1-8 above, it is highly unlikely that you will be pulled over, since tourists with their marked rental cars trying to blend in with traffic and thus speeding are so prevalent, they are easy pickins for the policia. I firmly believe police DO NOT pull over someone that is obeying all traffic laws.

#13. In the unlikely event that you are pulled over because you didn't follow these steps, or missed a speed limit change, DO NOT PAY A BRIBE TO THE OFFICER. Doing so is illegal, and you are then just as guilty paying a bribe as the officer is asking for one. You are also perpetuating the problem of la mordida. Stand your ground, politely, and ask for the ticket. Or, ask the officer to take you to the police station to pay it. Hand the officer your Articulo 152. At that point, the officer will undoubtedly let you go, and go for an easier target. Likewise, if you WERE speeding, ask for the ticket, and pay it at the police station. Tell the officer you will follow them to the police station to pay the fine. Claiming you don’t have time because you were on your way to the airport is no excuse.

#14. Do not give the officer your license until you have written down his name and badge number. You can communicate these points easily enough even if you don't speak Spanish.

#15. When filling up, get out of the vehicle, check to see the pump has been zeroed out, then tell the attendant how much fuel you want. Watch the pump for the correct amount. Pay attention!

These tips are from driving the area for over 22 years, and collected from my own research and experience. I have never been pulled over, and firmly believe that those that claim they were pulled over "for no reason" are simply mistaken, missed the speed limit change, or unwilling to admit they made a mistake. Good luck, and do a little homework. It's nice to have the freedom of your own wheels.

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